Txt version ::
Hi this is DZ Here to showyou how to Be able to host warcraft 3or for that matter any game onlinePAWNZ.BLOGSPOT.com
. Go to start menu and click run ,in the run tb type CMD
2. Now a black screen will pop uptype in ipconfig3.Now write down your DEFAULT GATEWAY,and ip addressimake sure the ip is from the local area connection!! t sould be something like : XXX.XXX.X.X
4. Now open up warcraft 3 and go to options,then to gameplay,Write down the game port
5. Once you have all this information openup a web browser page and type in yourdefault gate way in the address bar
6. now depending on your internet provider(i have comcast and user is comcast andpass is 1234) type in your user and password, if you dont have it, search on google for yourproviders user and pass.
7. after you have the page open go to the game orfeature setup, and click on the port config
8. Once on the page type in your game port youwrote down on step 4, under port range,type it in on both sides, and set protocalto tcp.
9.and now set the column ip address ,to whatever ip address you wrote downNow click enable,then apply and exit out,restart the comp and you shouldbe able to host games now ,
HAVE FUN =) PAWNZ.Blogspot.com
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