Friday, August 15, 2008

The SIms 3

With the release date only months away we can hardly wait , this game is going to be an endless expantion of opertunitys including but not limited to exploring the neighborhood,and the ability to custimize everything!!! Every single sim has a unique personality, each neighbor has thier own agenda and even the nighborhoods have unique personalitys! And the all new character creation system is more powerful then ever! You can modify and tweak every aspect of the sims personal features! Now the only question is what will you make? A creative artistic silent type that stays to himself, or a musle bound jock that is very social? In the sims 3 there are many new jobs and new ranks in those and previous jobs!. One of these jobs is Becoming a RockStar!!!! In the sims 3 theres a varity of new things you can do from fishing to having a picnic in the park . You will also be able to design your home with much better flexibility and more options. Wheather your a sims fanatic or have never played you'll love The Sims 3 !

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